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  • Writer's pictureDonna

49th St. Needed Our Help...

At the corner of 49th and Adams there is a huge construction yard. We knew that a mega cat colony lived inside the yard. We like to work with the caregivers or property owners, but the gates were always closed with big No Trespassing signs. I was dropping off a cat on a Saturday and noticed the gate entrance was open. I pulled into the massive open yard. On the other side of the property, I saw one man managing massive railroad ties being loaded onto a massive flatbed truck. I felt silly standing in the distance with my little GCCCP business card in my hand. I just stood there. After about 5 minutes, this enormous equipment stopped roaring and the man started walking toward me…LORD. When I said I was with Garden City Community Cats Project he started to laugh….I said “so you have some cats?”

He would be glad to have the cats back, fixed. And after that he would be glad to take some to his dairy farm and keep some on this property. 😊 We will all work together to manage this BIG colony. I could have hugged this guy, Covid or no Covid. We have pulled 14 ferals from this location so far. Three kittens are being fostered for adoptions.

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