Remember Mai? She was abandoned on 46th Street.
GCCCP found a home for her!
“She is doing great, by the way! She likes to follow me around the house,” said her new owner.
Soon after Mai was adopted, a neighbor trapped Mai’s brother. He wasn’t altered either. Even though we know there is a compassionate caregiver nearby who feeds free- roaming cats, GCCCP decided to ask the community if they would consider taking “Mike” in.
As soon as Mike’s picture went out, an adopter called!
At 43rd and Adams another trailer park is being demolished.
Steve, the Garden City Animal Control officer,, had to break into a trailer. The tenants had left days ago without taking their two dogs and cat.
Steve took the dogs and called GCCCP for help with the cat. Steve worried the cat would be lonely without his dog buddies.
Now we have Ed..
We called him Ed for Mr. Ed because he had so much to tell us 😉
He is perfect in every way: friendly, loving, uses the litter box AND HE WAS NEUTERED!
We are hoping to find a lucky adopter for sweet Ed.